Tuesday, May 31, 2011

10% discount to all Singaporean-based buyers!

Purple Trinkets is pleased to offer a 10% off the final price for your purchase if you are located in Singapore. Buyer must have a local Singaporean mailing address. Items will be sent by normal mail. Relevant additional charges apply if you choose registered mail.

Enjoy buying!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Updates on Etsy!

Hi all
I'm so sorry I've been MIA for a while. Been busy with a new job :D

Please check out my Etsy page for more Purple Trinkets fix! Remember, if you would like me to create a design for you (you might like beads from one design and would like to use those for another design), do let me know and we can discuss from there.

I hope you are doing fine...Singapore's election fever is just dying down. Now on to more important things and to a more delightful 2011. :)